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Family Unity


God's Vision for You and the World

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Family Unity

Before you get married and especially before you have children - INVITE JESUS CHRIST
into your discussions and decisions about what you want for your family!!  

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STOP, THINK, DISCUSS (Exchange each other's I.'s & T.'s) & ACT on what you learn

Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea with your family and friends

Print out this page and discuss it with your family and friends

Are you really united as a family?

Learn More

The latest developments across South Africa, Hermanus and many other communities, towns & cities in RSA & Africa, have caused me to urgently invite you the reader to join me and many others in the following prayer.

Almighty Father God, Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit:

It is a fact that we South Africans and all Africans are privileged to live on what is surely the most stable and the richest continent with the best climate on planet earth.

Thank you that we are the target of Your love, forgiveness and blessing and that we have the privileg.e to live on this very rich and beautiful continent.

We wish to REPENT and CONFESS that:
- we are perishing because of a lack of knowledge about the 'H.O.P.E. goals' of abundant life which You have for us John 10:10
- we continue to ignore Your Word, Your promises and Your 'HOPE boundaries & rules' for a better and more abundant life for all' Jeremiah 29:11
- we lack the will to HEAR and DO Your Word.

Yes, we lack the will and the commitment to: 
1. Live, work & play within Your Biblical H.O.P.E. 'boundaries and rules' and to
2. Vote for Your 'referees' who can and will blow the whistle and show us the "yellow and red cards" when necessary!

We also neglect to truly honour, love, trust and obey You in so many of the Seven Valleys of our lives. 
1. Personal Relationship with You through repentance & receiving Jesus into our hearts & lives.
2. Personal Happiness & Health
3. Marriage Harmony
4. Family Unity
5. Financial Justice & Freedom
6. Work Fulfilment
7. Community Responsibility & Involvement 

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We do not honour and obey Your 10 Commandments.
We neglect to love, forgive and bless one another across all racial, political, denominational and economic barriers.  
We dishonour You and neglect Your Family Sabbath Day of Rest.
We do not pray “Let Your kingdom come and You will be done here on earth AS IT IS in heaven” with faith and expectation that our prayers will eventually be answered!

Please help us Father God and Lord Jesus Christ to be transparent, honest and straight with You.
Please help us Holy Spirit to be faithful to Father God, Lord Jesus and Your inspired Word, The Bible!.

Thank You Lord God for the Biblical H.O.P.E. 'rules and boundaries', by which and within which, we are to 'play and score’ the H.O.P.E. (Heaven On Planet Earth) 'Goals' you have planned for us - Personal Happiness & Health, Marriage Harmony, Family Unity, Financial Freedom, Work Fulfilment, Community Political and Financial justice, joy and peace!

Please give us the strength and the focused determination not to allow the impacts of temporary trials and tribulations to distract us in our long-term H.O.P.E. purpose and pursuit!

Thank you for Your assurance that IF WE ABIDE in You and in Your Word THEN WE SHALL prevail over the unholy forces of Satan and his team of fallen angelic and human beings.


Please help us bring Your H.O.P.E. salvation, freedom and peace to our families, friends, communities, cities, countries and continents. A peace that will allow all men, women and children to live in freedom and reap the just rewards of their honest work well done! May every person's sweat (work) and skills (talents) be justly measured and renumerated with Your just money gold, silver & copper

Let Thy H.O.P.E. will be done, Almighty God, here on earth AS IT IS in heaven!

Please help each one of us to persevere in love, forgiveness & blessings!

In the Name of Jesus Christ, our Super Star Saviour, we pray!


God bless and protect all the families & communities in Hermanus & all the other towns in RSA & Africa,



Our community news, the mini budget, the economic and political news around the world and a radio discussion program:

PRAAT SAAM on Radio sonder Grense with Lynette Francis and Professor Duvenage prompted me to pen the following post on good governance.

Good Governance is essential for personal happiness, marriage harmony, family unity, financial freedom, work fulfilment, wealth and job creation, security, peace and prosperity in our communities

Good Governance is essential if Democracy is to bring about the Freedom, Justice, Joy and Peace for all,
…...across all cultural, class, financial, political and religious barriers.

God's H.O.P.E Way Forward for your family, community and country towards an Abundant Life for All: John 10:10

  1. The Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom (= know what is right & what is true + just doing it!).

  2. The Fear of Going to Hell is a very important motivator. Every world citizen will eventually end up either in heaven or in hell.
    Therefore if you love yourself, your family, friends, colleagues at work and your fellow Africans & World citizens (Black, Brown, White) you will be wise to take note of the Warning of Jesus Christ ... Unless you are Born Again (in your spirit) you will not see the kingdom of God John 3:3 

  3. Wisdom = Is to be born again and know God's Word (God's Goals, Boundaries & Rules) + to Just Do It!
    Just live, work & play God's Way within God's Biblical Boundaries & Rules and you will score God's H.O.P.E Goals in your family, work place and community!
    Just do media, education, preaching, work, play, business, banking, politics, policing & judgements God's Way, i.ewithin God's Biblical Boundaries & Rules to score H.O.P.E Goals in your country!

  4. Identify God's H.O.P.E Team 'Coaches, Consultants, Referees & Captains' who can help you onto the right road and put you in the right team. 

  5. Just put into practice what you have learnt from your H.O.P.E course, conference, coach & consultant so that you can CELEBRATE!

The LORD IS MOVING and is encouraging everyone that IT IS TIME to focus on and push for the restoration His H.O.P.E God Governance in All Areas of our personal 'Whole Life Wheels' and in All Communities, Countries and Continents!

International players, including the financial and political leaders in the United States, United Kingdom, Europe and China would be wise to:

  1. Fear’/Respect/ Honour God and His 10 Commandaments and His Sabbath Day  
  2. Make sure they are Born Again and  live, work, play within God's Biblical Boundaries and Rules 
  3. Allow Holy Spirit to 'water' their Biblical Roots
  4. Encourage all African & International governments, businesses & NGO's and leaders to implement Creator God's Godly Governance 
  5. Empower and encourage all citizens to live, work, play within God's Biblical Boundaries and Rules and to score the H.O.P.E Goals
  6. Monitor the Whole LIfe Wheels of all their leaders in the media, education, religions, banking, insurance, business  and politics (local, provincial/state and national and all World Leaders who attend the annual Davos Summit! 

God did not send a religion, denomination or religious leader to planet earth!
God sent Jesus His Son to earth so that all world citizens may have a more abundant H.O.P.E (Heaven On Planet Earth) LIFE! John 10:10

The best Godly Governance Model we have at present is the Swiss Governance Model - security, education, judiciary, politics and economics! Switzerland has been blessed with hundreds of years of peace and prosperity in a multicultural society! The Swiss model although good needs a Biblical ’upgrade’!

The H.O.P.E Way Forward 

1. The fear of God and going to Hell is the beginning of wisdom!

2. Wisdom is to know God's Word (God's Boundaries, Rules,) + to Just Do It! 

3. Identify God's H.O.P.E Team 'Coaches, Referees & Captains'

God bless Africa & the World!

Dr Matthys Michael de Kock
MBChB, MMed & 'Life Hard Knocks'
Courses  Conferences
Coaches Consultants



 YES !!! God wants you, your family, your friends and your fellow citizens to BE a HAPPY & HEALTHY Winners and Warriors who scores God's H.O.P.E Goals = Justice, Joy and Peace in your families | neighbours | friends | colleagues at work | community.
YES !!! There is HOPE for a More Abundant Life for All John 10:10

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WHY? Because YOU are on Planet Earth for a very special purpose at a time as this in the history of the world! (History = His Story + Your Story)

YES! It is YOUR Decision to step into your destiny and be born again (in your spirit, soul and body) into the richest and most powerful Royal H.O.P.E Family of God on Planet Earth and the Universe!  

Why is there HOPE?
Because YOU, your marriage, family, finances, friends, colleagues at work and fellow citizens are all the target of God's love, forgiveness and blessings. 
Because you will eventually become more comfortable to share, with people whom God brings over your path, that:
a. God loves all citizens (Black White Brown) so much that:
    -  He did not send any religion, denomination, religious leader
    -  He sent Jesus Christ His Son so that whoever believes in Him (Trusts + Obeys HIm)
       will not perish but have a more abundant and everlasting life.
b. It is Good News that the Blood of Jesus Christ was shed on the Criss for all
c. It is your privilege and joy to share your personal testimony.

PERSONAL TESTIMONY (By the Blood of Jesus Christ and our testimonies we overcome the Satan the evil one.
Satan only comes to kill steal and destroy you and your marriage, family, finances, work and community. 
Jesus came that we can have life and have it more abundnatly. John 10:10

Lorraine and I have experienced heartache, disappointments and stress.

We have had to endure various unpleasant trials and tribulations:
1. In our extended families, circle of friends and colleagues.
2. During my 27 years of medical training and private practice.
3. In our family businesses (hospitality and farming) and ministries
   (Power 2000 - A Life of Stress Free Success | Farmers for Jesus | Farming God's Way | B.A.C.K Ministries & Education) in UK, RSA, ZIM 
4. Physical threats and attacks on us Personally and on our Properties, People and Projects! 
5. We have also experienced many unexpected blessings and shared many times of joy, laughter and celebration! 

The above 'gym' sessions strengthened our 'faith muscles' and empowerd us to trust and obey God

We have seen and experienced and therefore, we can also say: "We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28 (NKJV)
We have witnessed and celebrated how God takes a 'negative (-)' and changes it into a 'positive (+)'
We know for sure that all things work together for good to those who love, trust and obey God! 

Yes it is a JOY, HONOUR and PLEASURE  to be one of God's H.O.P.E 'Team Players', 'Ambassadors', 'Sign Posts', 'Sowers', 'Postmen', Coaches & Consultants!
"And they overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death." Rev 12:11"

TO OVERCOME SATAN and the Unbiblical Governance which is so prevalent in our communities and countries it is ESSENTIAL that we share one another's testimonies (our life stories of hardships & victories)

We therefore need share the struggles we have to deal with in 
our families, schools, churches, judiciary, police, army, politics and economy.
We must understand and expose why we struggle with our hard-earned income.
We must know and understand how we can counter: 
1. Inflation and all forms of 'legalised theft' 
2. The present complicated system of taxation

3. The depreciation of the buying power of our savings, pensions and insurances. 

It is a great honour to s
hare one another's life experiences with God and to talk about His love, power and the Good Plans that He has for:
1. You, me, our family members and friends
2. All our colleagues at work
3. All our 
fellow citizens in our communties, countries & continents.
"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11

The Lord uses stories, parables, personal testimonies and pictures to: 
1. Remind people from across all cultural and religious barriers that they are the Target of God's love, forgiveness and blessings
2. Encourage us all to embrace the following Truths in God's Word:
    a. The Creation declares the Glory of God. YES it is our duty and privilege to appreciate and protect His people, HIs nature, soil and all His birds, animals etc. 
    b. The Fear of God (Respect for God) is the Beginning of Wisdom! 

Wisdom = to know + to do God's Word! Therefore we need to decide and be determined to educate and coach on HOW TO live, work, do business, play, vote & govern within God's Biblical 'Boundaries' and God's Biblial 'Rules'.

The beginning of Wisdom = To Know and Fear God. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding" Proverbs 9:10 

Godly Governance in our communities and countries requires Personal Godly Governance which can then flow over into Godly Governance in our Marriages, Families, Finances, Work places and also in to the Economy and Politics of our Communities, Countries and Continents!:

Personal Godly Governance begins with a Personal God-fearing & God-honouring Born Again John 3:3 Relationship with God.  

Putting Jesus Christ, The Super Star of History into the centre of our Personal 'Dartboards' or 'Whole Life Wheels' is the KEY to UNLOCKING Godly Governance and 'hitting the 6 Segments on our H.O.P.E 'Dart Board' (which is also the Tyre Segments of our Whole Life Wheels) 
 = Personal Happiness & Health, Marriage Harmony, Family Unity, Financial Freedom, Work Fulfilment and Community Peace & Prosperity (Law, Politics, Economy). 
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IT IS TIME TO PRAY IN and SHINE GOD'S LIGHT on the political and economic 'playing fields' in our communities.
The Born Again BWB (Black White Brown) Africans must take hands across all barreirs and PLAY as ONE TEAM and SCORE God's H.O.P.E Governance Goals against Satan's Team if we want to restore our personal 'Whole LIfe Wheels' or 'Whole Life Dartboards': 

We need to be Born Again if we want to HIT the H.O.P.E 'Bulls Eye' Target (Jesus) on our H.O.P.E 'Dart Board'!
We need to be Born Again if we wish to SEE Jesus  as the H.O.P.E 'Hub' of our Whole Life Wheels)
We need to IMPLEMENT Voter Education & Qualification PLUS Triple "C" Qualified Leaders (Character, Comprehension, Capability)

Our Personal Goals for Peace. Prosperity & Harmony with God and Man in our families, workplaces, communities and countries will only be achieved through: 
1. Repentance and a Born Again Relationship with the Trinity (Father God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit). 
2. Living, working, playing and investing within God's HOPE Biblical boundaries & rules! 

YES IT IS TIME to identify, coach, vote in and appoint God-fearing 'Triple C' 'coaches', 'referees', 'captains' & 'players’ who:
1. Have the Character, Capability & Comprehension to do what needs to be done for our families, friends and communities!
2. Pray with faith (= trust in God & His World)
3. Believe in their heart that the restoration of the kingdom of God 'on earth AS IT IS in heaven’ is possible and is at hand.
4. Are committed to God's H.O.P.E Goal = Heaven On Planet Earth as their God-given Goal.
5. Stay "H.O.P.E Fit" by being involved in the various H.O.P.E GYMS & CLINICS on a regular basis

H.O.P.E CLINICS focus on the 7 Areas of the Whole Life Wheels =                image circle 700
1. The HUB - Relationship with the Trinity       
2. Personal Happiness & Health      
3. Marriage Harmony                           through Jesus Christ                      
4. Family Unity                           the Super Star of History = HIS-story 
5. Financial Freedom              in the centre of our Whole Life Wheels           
6. Work Fulfilment                                                      
7. Community Peace & Prosperity (Law, Politics, Economy)

The Lord's H.O.P.E PRAYER: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation,
deliver us from the evil one, f
or Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. Matthew 9:6-13

Spread the Good N.E.W.S
= Network - Empower & Encourage - Winners & Warriors to Set Free the Captives from Satan & Stres
sas we repent and restore Godly Governance in every area of our lives! 
Shine God's H.O.P.E Light = God's Word & Jesus Christ, 

"May God BLESS YOU as you repent, make sure that you are born again and do restore Godly Governance in every area of your whole life wheel = in your personal happiness & health and in your marriage, family, finances, work/business & community (police, army, judiciary, politics, economy), country & continent... here on earth AS IT IS in heaven 

  The H.O.P.E Team
Coaches Consultants
Courses  Conferences



For Godly H.O.P.E Governance to become a reality in our Communities and Countries requires the following:

1. Fear and Respect for Creator God who loves every citizen

2. Understand that God so loves every World Citizen of all religions and
    desires to bless every person with Forgiveness | Freedom { Abundant Life 

3. Pray the Our Father's Prayer with faith and expectation

4. Voter Education + Qualification (e.Learners and  Driver License) 

5. Leadership Candidate Qualification:
    a. Personal Happiness & Health 
    b. Marriage Harmony
    c. Family Unity
    d. Financial Freedom
    e. Work Ethic and Fruits|
    f.  Community Service Impact

6. Direct Representation
     a. Triple ‘C’ Leaders - Character | Comprehension  | Capability 
     b. Swiss Model of Governance

7. Commitment and Determination to Score God's HOPE Goals God's Way
    = Living | Working | Saving | Budgetting | Investing | Voting | Governing God's Way

For more information about World H.O.P.E Reset Courses | Coaching | Consulting:

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"... on earth, as it is in heaven"