YES!  There ia NO EXCUSE for you to suffer unnecessary lawlessness | lack of knowledge | personal unhappiness | poor health | broken marriages | family disunity | women and child abuse | crime | poverty | unemployment | burning tyres and strikes!

YES!  You will from time to time face some Trials & Tribulations to ‘strengthen your ‘Faith Muscles’ = your Trust in God

YES|  There are God Given OPPORTUNITIES for you to:
– Be Born Again in your spirit – John 3:3 and
– Celebrate Abundant H.O.P.E Life – John 10:10 , which includes security | law and order | knowledge | wisdom | personal happiness | good health | marriage harmony | family unity | women and child respect | financial freedom | employment. 

Yes! Welcome to The Website, Chat Groups, Courses, Conferences, Coaches and Consultants.

THE CREATION DECLARES the Glory of God i.e. that the Creator is a Good, Gracious and Giving God. 

PLANET EARTH was created by Father God with unlimited wealth and job creating opportunities. 

There is no excuse for unhappiness, poverty & unemployment!


1. TRUST GOD and TAKE “One Small Step OVER All Religions & Denominations” INTO a Born Again Relationship with Father God’ and MAKE “One Giant H.O.P.E Leap FOR Mankind” towards the restoration of Heaven On Planet Earth in your family, workplace, community, country & continent!

2. GRAB God’s INVITATION & our OPPORTUNITY to be SET FREE by Jesus Christ from Satan, Stress, Poverty, Unemployment, Corruption & Crime

3. PRAY H.O.P.E Targeted & Focused Prayers for the restoration of Heaven On Planet Earth in your life | family and community

4. UNLOCK the ‘Power of Your Stand‘ for a Better and More Abundant H.O.P.E Life for All!

5. MAKE your PERSONAL STAND for a “More Abundant H.O.P.E Life for All” in your family, circle of friends, workplace, community, country and in your continent.

6.PUSH BACK the Darkness presently prevailing in: 

  • The 7 Areas of their Personal Whole Life Wheel
  • The the Media, Banks, Judiciary | Police, Army, Education, Religions, Political Parties. Businesses & NGO Organisations.

7. “N.E.W.S’ your family and friends to live work and play within God’s Biblical Boundaries and Rules so that they can Score H.O.P.E GOALS

        “N.E.W.S” = Network – Empower & Encourage – Winners & Warriors to Set Free the Captives from Satan & Stress

God bless you, your family and your community!

The H.O.P.E Team
Scoring Heaven On Planet Earth Goals Courses | Conferences | Coaches | Consultants | Celebrations