I recently visited the Dean of Theology Faculty at the University of Stellenbosch.

The purpose was to revisit the facts:

1. that the University of Stellenbosch, like many other well known universities around the world, was birthed out of the life of Christ and His Body. For example when we visit Oxford or Cambridge we see that the names of the Colleges bear witness to this fact: Jesus College, Trinity College, St John’s College etc. The same applies to other famous universities as Harvard, Trinity College University, Heidelberg etc

2. that the faculty that gave birth to the University of Stellenbosch once again needs to be a meaningful
prophetic voice and example to the university and a light to the community.

AT OUR INTERACTION MEETING we encouraged one another to be positive and expectant about the Good N.E.W.S. of Great Joy of H.O.P.E. (Heaven On Planet Earth “….as it is in heaven”) and to  seek God and His ‘solutions’ / His ‘recipes’ / His ‘prescriptions’:
– for our personal problems in our homes, work places, finances and communities
– for the problems of  our society and the world in general.
– for H.O.P.E (Heaven On Planet Earth “….as it is in heaven”) to manifest in our lives and our
communities and countries on the African continent and elsewhere.

The following points and objectives were discussed.

The Good N.E.W.S Process of H.O.P.E: 
By Networking with open minded people across all denominational, cultural and class barriers and Empowering our team members to Exchange their ‘IT’s’ and become Winners who experience a touch of heaven in their lives and who have character, capability and a comprehension (an understanding) of the Big Picture. Our Dream Teams of winners at home and at work will then be able to Set Free the captives and play their unique role to realise God’s H.O.P.E. DREAM! “…here in our communities as it is in heaven” . Our Dream Teams will then be part of the solution and no longer be part of the problem!

The solutions are not found in any religion but in relationships and knowledge!
The battles in our homes and streets are to be won in our hearts & minds!

Let us set off on an enriching H.O.P.E. journey:
a. of experiencing a touch of heaven in our minds, hearts and families
b. of developing relationships by listening to one another before we speak and by listening
twice as much as we speak! We have ultimately been given two ears and one mouth!
d. of agreeing to disagree without being disagreeable
d. of putting out the fires of negative emotions before speaking or making decisions
e. of putting on the light instead of attacking and fighting the darkness
f. of putting on the table for discussion all the possible suggestions and options on how
to make a positive difference in our lives and in all the sectors of society.


Let us complete our journey of interaction:

a. with also other people until we are of one mind and heart:
b. with a written document clearly setting out the Lord’s ‘boundaries’ and His ‘road map’
to H.O.P.E. “,,,as it is in heaven”  We may wish to call the written document
“The King of kings Report”
c. with a commitment to one another to put into pracitce what we have agreed upon.
d. with an accountablity or progress evaluation and report back in place.
The interaction with the Professor was mutually very inspiring.