Dear Born Again Friends and Followers of Jesus Christ and fellow World Citziens,

Every person on planet earth has the God-given opportunity to live, work, play, invest and vote God’s Way or by default Satan’s Way. 

Lorraine and I have been led to live, work and invest more of God’s H.O.P.E “I.T.’s” 
– I’s  = Information | Inspiration | Ideas
– T’s = Time | Talents | Treasures Stellenbosch, Hermanus, Western Cape, South Africa, Africa and the World with other like-minded and heart-caring co-workers to allow God to work in and through all peoples to restore His will and His kingdom here on earth AS IT IS in heaven.

For more information about the Team Members, Courses, Consultants and Coaches in Stellenbosch, Hermanus, Africa, USA, Europe etc are committed to be Father God’s H.O.P.E Sound-boards, Coaches, Consultants, Fans and Encouragers of the people who are on the many ‘playing fields’ in our communities, cities and countries in Africa and World-wide. 

We are committed to talk and take hands together with people across all colour, cultural, religious, political and financial barriers. 

We are committed to ’N.E.W.S’ with people who agree to:

– disagree without being disagreeable 
– do what needs to to be done to lift all peoples of all nations up out of LockDown 2020
– allow God to give them a HOPE, a FUTURE and a more ABUNDANT LIFE Jeremiah 29:11 | John 10:10
– live, work, play, vote and invest in people – properties – projects in peace and harmony.


A. The  Power of the H.O.P.E Vision 

B. The Power of the H.O.P.E 5 Point Plan of Action 

C. The Power of Partnership 

D. The Power of H.O.P.E Multiplication.       

E. The Power of Sowing H.O.P.E Face to Face and through the Media.

F.  The Power of the H.O.P.E  I T Exchange Courses – Consultants – Coaches:

              =  Information, Inspiration, Ideas, Investments 

              T = Time, Talents, Treasures, Testimonies:

G. The Power of H.O.P.E “N.E.W.Sing”  Born Again Followers and Friends of Jesus: 

      – Network

      – Empower | Encourage

      – Winners   I Warriors who

      – Set Free the Captives from Satan, Stress 

        Stress due to a lack of Hope, Jobs and Income caused by a lack of Vision and Plan of Action

 H. The Power of God-fearing H.O.P.E Governance which promotes the Power of Implementing the Lord’s:

      – H.O.P.E Vision

      – H.O.P.E 5 Point Game Plan of Action

          Back to God             >         All Powerful | All Happiness | All Health | All Jobs | All Wealth |

          Back to Bible            >         Goals | Boundaries | Rules 

          Back to Gold             >        Just Measure for Skills and Sweat

          Back to Work            >         NO Work = NO Food or NO Grants 

          Back to Community  >        Qualified Voter DIRECT Representation | Responsibility | Power | Accountability

      – H.O.P.E ‘NEWS’ing (Network – Empower – Winners who – Set free the Captives from Satan’s Team).

      – H.O.P.E Courses | Coaching | Consulting 

      – H.O.P.E Charter. 

We are now more determined than ever to:

A. Take hands with Born Again friends and followers of Jesus Christ 

B. Reach out and invite the following groups of BORN AGAIN LEADERS to step up to God’s Call in Matthew 28:19-20 Go [a]therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

C. N.E.W.S “The Wealth & Job Creators”

    Businesses (Farming | Fishing | Mining | Manufacturing | Construction | Hospitality & Tourism)

D. N.E.W.S “The Wealth & Job Protectors” 

    Biblical Born Again Warriors in Families | Communities | Churches | Media | Judiciary | Police | Army | 

    Politics | Banking | Business | Non Profit Organisations. 

E. N.E.W.S “The Coaches”

   Homes (Parents | Children 

   Schools (Teachers | Scholars)

   Universities & Colleges (Lecturers | Students) 

   Religious Organisations (Churches | Ministries)

F. N.E.W.S “The Referees” 

   Voters | Media | Judiciary | Police | Army | Politics (Community/Ward | Municipality | District |  Province | National 

We are also praying for and inviting God’s H.O.P.E Team Players and Leaders from RSA, Africa and World Leaders to visit Stellenbosch and Hermanus FOR >>>>> ONGOING “N.E.W.S”ing, STRATEGISING, IMPLEMENTING and PROGRESS EVALUATING in connection with  God’s H.O.P.E 5 POINT “Call and Game Plan” of Action.

Please indicate whether you, your family, your friends, your church, school, business or non profit organisation are passionate of being part of God’s H.O.P.E Team across all colour, cultural, denominational, economic and political groupings. 

Please forward this email/post as you are led by the Holy Spirit. 

Please forward ESPECIALLY to those who have truly repented and are Born Again Followers and Friends of our Lord and King JESUS CHRIST!

We look forward to pray, plan, work and invest TOGETHER with people
– who are in unity (spirit and soul) and
– who are committed to promote peace, prosperity, job creation and a better and more abundant life for all) 

It will be our privilege to work together: 
– with YOU, 
– with the help of HOLY SPIRIT and 
– with ALL God’s Born Again friends and followers of Jesus Christ
– with ALL other peace-loving people

TOGETHER with the help of Holy Spirit and the Bible WE CAN: 

….. UNLOCK the Power of Partnerships and the Power of Multiplication 

….. RUN with the H.O.P.E 5 Point Plan of Action ‘BALL’ and SCORE GOD’S H.O.P.E GOALS for all nations.. 

We are expectant to witness the unfolding of the Lord’s Heaven On Planet Earth DECLARATION and HIs H.O.P.E “Our Father’s Prayer” 

We desire to see  Father God’s H.O.P.E VISION = “Let Your will be done hereon earth AS IT IS  in heaven”  become a reality.


God bless
Dr Matthys Michael de Kock