Mr TBN – Dr Paul Crouch we salute you and thank you. 

More than 40 years ago there was no Christian television station beaming the announcement of the Good News of Great Joy for all mankind
that more than 2000 years ago a Saviour, not a religion, was born and given to mankind in order that we the captives in sin, debt, unhappiness, disease etc can be SET FREE.

God used Paul Crouch to bless us with Trinity Broadcasting Network to declare to the world: “There is nothing more Jesus has to do to defeat Satan. He is seated at the right hand of God waiting until all His enemies are under His feet. Jesus commanded those of us that believe Him and follow Him to get up and set the captives free from:

a. Hunger (“feed them”)
b. Disease (“lay hands on them and heal them”)
c. Poverty (“I came that you may have life and have it in more abundance”)
d. Pollution (“pick up the paper, plastics left overs”) etc etc etc

Despite his shortcomings, Dr Paul Crouch was a modern day example of what a follower of Jesus, (the Super Star of the history) in the media should be and should do. He demonstrated a love and acceptance of God’s children from across all cultural and doctrinal barriers and encouraged them to have a personal relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ the Lord of lords and the King of kings.  He made room for everyone to express their diversity of doctrines and worship styles. He let the Lord judge the hearts of each man and woman and their motives for preaching the gospel. Whether it was for personal financial gain or not, was not for Paul to judge.

Dr Crouch was clearly used by God to birth and establish Christian Television in the world to declare and demonstrate His power, to bring hope and to give us a taste of H.O.P.E. “heaven on planet on earth”  on our television screens all over the world.

    1. Please pray together to give thanks to God for the role-model life of Dr Paul Crouch and for his positive impact on the lives of people across all class and cultural barriers all over the World. We thank the Lord for Mr TBN’s faith, focus and drive to present the Good NEWS of HOPE to every nation across the globe and for working with his wife and team across all denominational barriers for a better future for all.
    1. Please pray that many people in the media will follow and even surpass the accomplishments of  Mr TBN (Dr Paul)
    1. Please pray that the media journalists covering the next World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland will take up the “Madiba batton” and like Dr Crouch harness the media to remove all obstacles which are denying poor people all over the world the opportunity to be set free from poverty.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for using Wilberforce and his friends to abolish the legal system of slavery.

Thank you for using Dr Crouch and his friends and partners to bring the Good NEWS message of HOPE to the world via television.

Please give us a H.O.P.E. team of friends and partners to abolish the present financial system of slavery. Please empower many H.O.P.E. Financial Freedom Teams with the love and forgiveness You have for the perpetrators.

In Jesus name
