Our H.O.P.E RESET Power & Confidence is only possible IN Christ Jesus, The HOPE of Glory

Now this is the confidence that we have in Him
that if we ask anything according to His WillHe hears us.  I John 5:14 NKJV

To them (you) God willed to make known
what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles:
which is Christ IN you, the Hope of Glory  Col 1:27

The Will of the Tri-une God IS that we shall:  
1. Pray in God’s H.O.P.E Vision on earth AS IT IS in heaven 
2. Implement God’s  H.O.P.E 5 Point Plan of Action
3. Focus on God’s N.E.W.Sing Call = discipling Born Again Friends and Followers of Jesus Christ
4. Be ‘Fishers’ of men, women and children across all nations, cultures, religions and occupations.
YES| Your H.O.P.E RESET Power & Confidence is only possible IN Christ Jesus, The HOPE of Glory
YES| Your H.O.P.E RESET Power & Confidence is only HIMpossible! 
For Father God SO LOVES all peoples of all cultures | colour | religions | denominations that
– He DID NOT SEND any religion, denomination or religious leader 
– He DID NOT SEND any political, financial or business leader
– He SENT His Son Jesus Christ, of Whom He said when He was baptized :
   “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased”  

For Father God SO LOVES all peoples of all cultures | colour | religions | denominations
that He calls each citizen and voter to:
– Repent
– Confess their Sin (= ignore, distrust and disobey The Creator God of the Universe and Planet Earth)
– Be Born Again in their spirit John 3:3 and Be Baptised under water and with Holy Spirit John 3:13-16
– Live |  Work | Save | Invest | Play | Vote and Govern within God’s Biblical H.O.P.E Boundaries and Rules
so that they can Score H.O.P.E Goals in their Personal Lives | Marriaged | Families | Finances | Work Places | Communities