GOD WHO IS ALL powerful, loving, forgiving and blessing desires to be ALL for ALL people across ALL cultures, classes and religions.
Jesus is the Super Star and Greatest Benevolent Freedom Fighter of history and is the Saviour of every person and every nation.

The KING of kings and the LORD of lords was sent by Father God and came to planet earth to give every person the opportunity to be SET FREE from sin, unhappiness, guilt, debt and stress.
For God so loved His world (His property the planet, His people & His projects) that He sent Jesus so that we ALL can enjoy Justice, Joy and Peace i.e enjoy an Abundant Life and a touch of H.O.P.E. (Heaven On Planet Earth) through Jesus the Super Star and Greatest Freedom Fighter of History.

God is the Maker and not the one who was made.

  1. GOD IS THE CREATOR of ALL (Property, People & Projects( God was not created by man. He is the One who originally made man (male & female) in Their (Father, Son & Holy Spirit) image (in spirit and soul) and everything else that exists in the whole universe. The Triune God is the Originator of all things.
  2. God is the Giver and does not have any needs that He cannot take care of Himself.
    “The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth … He is not served by human hands, as if He needed anything. Rather, He Himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else (Acts 17:24–25)].
  3. God made the world and everything on it and is, therefore, THE Lord of His creation.

Acknowledging that God is the originator and owner of all things puts me and you and everybody else and everything else into perspective!

Man (male & female) must understand that we are merely stewards of what has always been His and what will always be His!! He is the owner of everything including our personal lives, marriages, families, finances, work, communities, cities, countries and continents. Everybody and everything is a gift from our Creator to be cherished, protected, enjoyed and shared! Our God-given i.t.gifts (i.t.’s = ideas, inspiration, innovation, information, time, talents & treasures) come with a God-given responsibility and that is to take care of and to multiply that which has been entrusted to us so that we can create more wealth and jobs.

Dear Lord God, You alone are good and great and thus worthy of my praise and worship.

When I am tempted to turn to something or someone else to fill my mind and heart
