“Embrace God’s 5 STEPS TO H.O.P.E HAPPINESS and HEALTH in Spirit and Soul”

1. Be Repentant = express your sincere regret and remorse for ignoring God and your incredible lack of  knowledge about: 

    a. God’s love and desire to forgive us and to reset us in spirit | soul | body 

    b. God’s H.O.P.E Prayer and Vision –  ‘on earth AS IT IS in heaven’ in our families and communities.

    d. God’s POWER which is available for setting us free from Satan and our Sin (= our rebellion  
        against God) 2 Pet 3:9

2. Be Born Again 

    John 3:3

3. Be Baptised like Jesus who was baptised under water as an adult

    Matt 3:13-17    Mark  1:9-11   Luke  3:21-22     Acts 2:38

4. Be Holy Spirit Empowered

    Act 1:8

5. Be Biblically Empowered – Read (‘eat’), Meditate (‘digest’) & Turst God’s Word

    Col 1:11

The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.  2 Peter 3:9 NKJV



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