Poverty – Starvation – Unemployment – Broken Relationships – Violence – Sexual Abuse – Corruption – Crime – Depression is the result of a lack of knowledge.

Most leaders in banking, business, church denominations and political parties are knowingly and unknowingly enriching themselves at the expense of the poor.

Leaders in the media also benefit with the leaders in education, religion, politics. banking and business. Most leaders  do not understand how the present undesirablle and unbilbical political and economic system works. They also lack the God’s Biblical Vision and Knowledge.   

God clearly says, “My people perish because of a Lack of Vision and Knowledge” 

The present political and financial systems opens the door for ‘Legalised Theft’ to be committed by the very rich from the very poor. 

There will always be: 
– LESS rich people (more responsiblity and accountability,
– MORE middle class and
– MOST poeple who will be poorer.
But the INCOME RATIO should be humane and promote justice, joy and peace..  

Most of our leaders in all walks of life are ‘Goats/Wolves in Sheep Clothing”. They know how to make ‘Sheperd of Sheep Speaches”  


There are very few H.O.P.E Triple ‘C’ Leaders in our communities, countries & continents!

                         Character – Comprehension – CapabilityIdentify 


1. Be Empowered with God’s Biblical H.O.P.E Boundaries, Rules, Goals & Qualifications for Voters & Leadership

2. Vote for Triple ‘C’ Qualified Leaders from ward to national level, in line with the Swiss Model.

HEART WARMING H.O.P.E  PRAYER for ‘N.E.W.S’ing Action 

Gracious and loving heavenly Father,

THANK YOU for OPENING UP to us a FRESH NEW Biblical Way of:
– H.O.P.E thinking, living, working, playing, banking, investing and voting.
– H.O.P.E creation of wealth, jobs and a better more abundant life for all John 10:10

THANK YOU that with Your Biblical Word and Holy Spirit Power
 WE CAN create happy & healthy families, wealth, jobs and peace in our communities, countries and continents.


1. Repent

2. Be Born Again in Your Spirit John 3:3

3. May we enter into all that You desire to teach us on how we can
    – vote for Your H.O.P.E Triple ‘C’ Leaders and how we can
    – become Your H.O.P.E Triple ‘C’ Leaders 

4. Please grant me the opportunity that Your H.O.P.E Vision and H.O.P.E 5 Point Plan of Action will find a
    very special place in my mind, heart and will.

5. Please help me to N.E.W.S with Your H.O.P.E Team (Coaches, Referees & Players) in my ward and community .
    Network – Empower | Encourage – Winners | Warriors who  –  Set Free the capitives from Satan’s Hell Team

This I, my family, friends, co-workers and community pray in the name of Lord Jesus Christ


ourses – Consultants – Coaches
Certification – Celebrations 