We should have had  TWO “F-D-C” DAYS in 2020 =
1. 21 March  – Human RIGHTS Day
2. 22 March  – Human RESPONSIBILITY Day 

Facts – Decisions – Consequences

Right Facts (Truth) + Right/Good Decisions = Good Consequences

Wrong Facts (Lies) + Wrong/Bad Decisions = Bad Consequences

Human RIGHTS Day

What God-given Rights do we have?

  1. The Right to make our own decisions/choices and should we consider annually?
  2. The Right to trust and ’vote’ for the Trinity and God’s Born Again Team
  3. The Right to reject the Governance (political and financial) of Satan and Satan’s Rebellious Team


What God-given Responsibilities do we have and should we consider annually?

  1. The Responsibility we have to make our own decisions/choices
  2. The Responsibility we have to make our own decisions/choices
  3. The Responsibility we have to trust and ’vote’ for: 
    a. God’s Biblical Boundaries and Rules (political and financial) 
    b. God’s Born Again Responsible Coaches, Referees and Teams 

    H.O.P.E TEAM
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