What our family, friends and co-workers had to face and cope with in Zimbabwe was unacceptable.
What all BBW (Black, Brown, White) Africans in South Africa and the rest of Africa still have to face is defnitely also not good enough and not acceptable! 

What makes matters worse is that BBW Africans are living on the most geologically stable and richest continent on planet earth!
No continent can compete with Africa when it comes to the job and wealth creating potential and opportunities! Africans have unlimited potential to create wealth, jobs and well-being in the farming, fishing, mining, manufacturing, hospitality and tourism sectors!

Africa has a treasure house of wealth and job creating opportunities which can be unlocked and shared with all it’s citizens.

The unlimited wealth and job creation opportuniteis are crying out for Godly Governance by God-fearing competent men and women! 

There is therefore NO excuse or reason why any BBW Africans should continue to endure all the bad news and the many trials and tribulations which they  are presently facing on a daily basis!

“May God BLESS YOU and your marriage, family, finances, work/business & community (police, army, judiciary, politics, economy), country & continent here on earth AS IT IS in heaven as we repent and restore Godly Governance in all 7  area of our personal whol live wheels!

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