God’s H.O.P.E Way Forward for your family, community and country towards an Abundant Life for All: John 10:10

  1. The Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom (= know what is right & what is true + just doing it!).
  2. The Fear of Going to Hell is a very important motivator. Every world citizen will eventually end up either in heaven or in hell.
    Therefore if you love yourself, your family, friends, colleagues at work and your fellow Africans & World citizens (Black, Brown, White) you will be wise to take note of the Warning of Jesus Christ … Unless you are Born Again (in your spirit) you will not see the kingdom of God John 3:3 
  3. Wisdom = Is to be born again and know God’s Word (God’s Goals, Boundaries & Rules) + to Just Do It!
    Just live, work & play God’s Way within God’s Biblical Boundaries & Rules and you will score God’s H.O.P.E Goals in your family, work place and community!
    Just do media, education, preaching, work, play, business, banking, politics, policing & judgements God’s Way, i.ewithin God’s Biblical Boundaries & Rules to score H.O.P.E Goals in your country!
  4. Identify God’s H.O.P.E Team ‘Coaches, Consultants, Referees & Captains’ who can help you onto the right road and put you in the right team. 
  5. Just put into practice what you have learnt from your H.O.P.E course, conference, coach & consultant so that you can CELEBRATE!

The LORD IS MOVING and is encouraging everyone that IT IS TIME to focus on and push for the restoration His H.O.P.E God Governance in All Areas of our personal ‘Whole Life Wheels’ and in All Communities, Countries and Continents!

International players, including the financial and political leaders in the United States, United Kingdom, Europe and China would be wise to:

  1. Fear’/Respect/ Honour God and His 10 Commandaments and His Sabbath Day  
  2. Make sure they are Born Again and  live, work, play within God’s Biblical Boundaries and Rules 
  3. Allow Holy Spirit to ‘water’ their Biblical Roots
  4. Encourage all African & International governments, businesses & NGO’s and leaders to implement Creator God’s Godly Governance 
  5. Empower and encourage all citizens to live, work, play within God’s Biblical Boundaries and Rules and to score the H.O.P.E Goals
  6. Monitor the Whole LIfe Wheels of all their leaders in the media, education, religions, banking, insurance, business  and politics (local, provincial/state and national and all World Leaders who attend the annual Davos Summit! 

God did not send a religion, denomination or religious leader to planet earth!
God sent Jesus His Son to earth so that all world citizens may have a more abundant H.O.P.E (Heaven On Planet Earth) LIFE! John 10:10

The best Godly Governance Model we have at present is the Swiss Governance Model – security, education, judiciary, politics and economics! Switzerland has been blessed with hundreds of years of peace and prosperity in a multicultural society! The Swiss model although good needs a Biblical ’upgrade’!

The H.O.P.E Way Forward 

1. The fear of God and going to Hell is the beginning of wisdom!

2. Wisdom is to know God’s Word (God’s Boundaries, Rules,) + to Just Do It! 

3. Identify God’s H.O.P.E Team ‘Coaches, Referees & Captains’

God bless Africa & the World!

Dr Matthys Michael de Kock
MBChB, MMed & ‘Life Hard Knocks’

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