Thank You for showing us that after making the wrong decisions in your youth you could with time really and truly forgive and promote reconciliation.

Thank you for encouraging us to do likewise.  In the words of Jonny Steinberg: “You forgave, it cost you nothing; you forgave as a free person, not as a slave. You showed us that to forgive was to be free and to have power”.

To many Madiba was the best modern day example of what a political follower of Jesus, the Super Star of the history, should be and could be.

He was clearly used by God to change the course of history in Africa by demonstrating statesmanship and forgiveness after many years in prison.  When he was released from jail he undoubtedly brought a touch of H.O.P.E. “Heaven On Planet on Earth” amongst all the people of South Africa.

    1. Please pray together with everyone in Africa to give thanks to God for the role-model latter life of President Mandela. Appreciate the positive impact he made on the lives of all the people across all class and cultural barriers in South Africa, Africa, and the World. We thank the Lord for Madiba’s example towards the end of his life of humbleness, forgiveness and working together across all religious, political and economic barriers for a better future for all. Please pray that many politicians and businessmen from across all political and religious barriers will follow and even surpass the example Madiba lived.
    2. Please pray that the leaders gathering together during this historic week will take up the “Madiba batton” to remove all obstacles which are denying poor people all over the world the opportunity to be set free from poverty.

Dear Lord,


Thank you for using Wilberforce and his friends to abolish the legal system of slavery.

Thank you for using Mandela and his friends to replace the social system of apartheid with a hope for a better life for all.

Please give us a H.O.P.E. team of knowledgeable and competent friends and followers of Jesus to replace the present failed corrupt judicial, political and financial system. Please empower the H.O.P.E. freedom team with Your Spirit of servanthood, love, excellence and justice.

In Jesus name, we pray!