THE BODY of Jesus and His H.O.P.E. Dream will never die because He is alive and will continue living IN and THROUGH His born-again disciples

-As the one true church across all denominational barriers. The church organisations can and will die, but not the Body of Christ or the Our Father’s prayer He taught us to pray “… as it is in heaven”

I am also finding that as I follow Jesus I need to unlearn a way of being, thinking, saying and doing in the world and learn a new way of being, thinking, saying and doing. May the Lord use this blog and many others blogs as places where we are all working out that process of being, thinking saying and doing like the Lord of Lord and the King of Kings.

The Lord said He will build His Church. The Body of Jesus is in the process of regrouping across all denominations and cultures and embracing the Lord’s prayer the the Father’s name be honoured, His kingdom come and His will be done here in our families, communities, countries and continents as it is in heaven.

I ask the person in the mirror (me!) Am I born again? How do I know I am born again? Am I hearing the Lord’s voice and following Him? If I am born again I will love everyone across all cultural, class, denominational, religious and political barriers. If I hear His voice and follow HIm I will also be a fisher of men and women and a disciple maker of all nations!

God bless, Dr MM