A good person leaves an inheritance for their children’s children, but a sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous. Prov 13:22

 On this day in South Africa we celebrate Heritage Day.

Let us reflect on our diverse heritages, both good and bad.

Let us celebrate and build on our good heritages and learn from our bad heritages.

Let us put out the right hand of fellowship and forgiveness to one another.

Let us on this day appreciate one another and one another’s good heritage.

Let us on this day decide not to fight the darkness but to switch on the Light of the world.

Let us interact around a braai fire or a dining table and exchange our IT’s (ideas, inspiration, information, time , talents, treasures and testimonies) with one another on how we wish

to work with God to build a H.O.P..E. heritage “…. as it is in heaven” for our children and 
the generations to come.

Let us on this Heritage Day pray, “Our Father, please help us build on our good heritage and learn from our bad heritage. Please turn the tide of spiritual oppression and rejection of You and Your Word by an outpouring of Your Holy Spirit of Fire that will revive Your Family on earth to be a powerful witness to the world of Your love, forgiveness, blessings and life.”. Let You Name be honoured Your kingdom come and Your will be done on earth AS IT IS in heaven ..”

In Jesus’ name we ask it . Amen”

Enjoy your family and friends on this Heritage Day. Take time to consider and reflect on how our generation can be a good example and pass on a good heritage (life-style and inheritance) to our children and grandchildren and the coming generations.




May God bless Africa and all the other continents