
God's Vision for You and the World

Bible Principles

  • In this post you will discover:
    1. How the present Financial System with it's many currencies came about and at what cost to you the citizen and voter
    2. What negative impact the present Financial System has had and still has on most of us  who seek true political and financial liberty
    3. Why one can call the present financial system a worldwide financial system of "legalised theft and slavery"
    4. What you can do to bring about justice, joy and peace and thus enable people worldwide across all cultural, religious, political and financial barriers to be happy and to be free from poverty, debt, guilt and stress.
    5. EVERY SPORT has a Goal, Boundaries, Rules and Referees with a Whistle!

    We need to make a decision to aim at God's H.O.P.E. Goals for our families and communities within His H.O.P.E. Boundaries & Rules and with His H.O.P.E. Referees blowing the H.O.P.E. whistle 


"... on earth, as it is in heaven"